Monday, February 7, 2011


It seems like a lot of us having been trying to wrap our heads around how to successfully use wikis in the classroom setting. Although the purpose of wikis in my classroom remains a little foggy, I think I'm really going to embrace social bookmarking.

In my district, the students' first REALLY big research project/paper comes in 9th grade. Usually we pick two to three topics that the kids get to choose from. (Possibly climate change, mandatory community service, benefits of a certain program in school, etc.) In groups, we work together to find relevant, reliable sources. Sometimes this is really hard online because students are prone to doing a google search and then believing that the first site to come up MUST be the best, most accurate site out there.

In this class, we could all use social bookmarking to help each other. I believe that students would be more likely to really look at the criteria for "What makes a source 'good'?" if they were only responsible for finding three or four. If everyone in a group found three sources, by the end of the week kids could have access (through their BuddyMarks account) to over thirty sources.

I had twins a month ago, so I'm still home on maternity leave. My sub is going to start the research unit in three weeks. I'm really going to try to explore and learn more about social bookmarking. My hope is that when I meet with her next week I'll be able to make this suggestion to her and show her how to use some of these tools.

Any other thoughts on using this in an English classroom?


  1. You could make a bookmark for a site that will help them cite references/sources. I read in the news that school will not stop for snow days because students will be able to access their lessons through the computer. I don't know if that's a good thing because I liked the snow days we just had, but I worked on my homework! I hope you enjoy your maternity leave and find some time to relax, but it's good to know that there are opportunities to teach when we can't be in the building.

  2. It's interesting to look at the proposed legislation right now about charter schools. There is a provision that allows for more online options. We may not go totally online, but there certainly will be more opportunities out there for students to learn in different ways either on their own or in a school setting.
